Sunday, July 22, 2012


     Often times its the simplest details that catch my eye.  I was strolling down Newbury street and caught a glimpse of this young guy in my peripheral vision as he was chillin' seemingly without a care in the world.  His name is Graham and he said he's here in Boston studying at Emerson College for the summer.  The overal vibe of his look was extremely simple but with eye-catching details, and as I approached him he had an air of youthfulness that was both chic and refreshing; that fresh, youthful look that is always on trend in the fashion world.  His haircut, black framed glasses and the hue of his complexion is reminiscent of the main character in the old animated movie The Pagemaster and the fact that such a laid-back look could evoke such a vivid & artistic image in my mind is proof that fashion & style is a powerful form of expression.  I'm always inspired by the everyday stylish guy because his sense of style is genuine and striking... Stay fly, fellas!

A pair of glasses are a great way to add panache to any ensemble!

His mismatched wrist accessories keep his simple look from bordering on boring

Though it was a warm summer day, I couldn't help but appreciate the fact that he added some texture with his woven socks & suede wingtips!

He's overall vibe says "I'm stylish without looking as though I'm trying to be"... That's the way it should always be~

Keep it Stylish, keep it Sexy and always keep it true to YOU! -Mr. Hampton

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